RIP Gertrude Dinkle (1920 - 2011)
I am saddened that my Grannie died from her addiction. As I wrote in an earlier post, she developed a seriously unhealthy habit from using maggots for sexual stimulation. She had an infection in her vagina and the doctors sought to remove the dead skin inside with maggot therapy. She did not want to cut the habit.
Me and my mom who has down syndrome were stopping by for a visit. I thought I would be able to see her at least once more before I have to go in and get lobotomized. Her entire mid section was crawling with maggots and the stench made me vomit as I cried nearly to death myself.
My two new pet peeves are judges, and doctors. The doctors ruined my grandma, and all because of some control freak judge, I will no longer by the joyful boy I once was. I'll be a complete nobody. My great memories and personality will be gone forever.
I now hate my mother too, since she approved of the lobotomy. Her approval was needed for it to be legal. I wish I didn't live in such a conservative state like West Virginia otherwise this may not have been able to happen very easily.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
I've got a life sentence coming up - Help me out
Editor's Note: Joey received extra help typing this up. I work at the group home where he lives, and I am very opposed to his life sentence.
If you did not already know I am a 30 year old man who has a parent with down syndrome, and I live in a group home. I regrettably beat up a pregnant lady which resulted in her having a miscarriage. The hearing took place a couple of months ago, and the Judge ordered me to get a lobotomy which is coming up in about 3 weeks.

Lobotomies are legal if the patient consents to one. Because I am a ward of the state due to my developmental problems, my parents are legally able to make almost all decisions for me. So unfortunately they were able to approve of me getting a lobotomy. My mother is the one who has down syndrome, I can't believe that someone with an IQ lower than mine was able to do such a thing to me. My guess is that she hates herself and resents having me.
I am currently under house arrest at the group home to help ensure that I won't try running away. I will remain a resident of the group home after the operation takes place. Because I am enemies with some residents here, this makes it harder.
A lobotomy is like dying. I have considered suicide, but the staff at this group home have been watching me more closely than usual.
Although I don't exactly fit the requirements for the Make-A-Wish foundation, I think they should cut me some slack since I won't have a real life once the lobotomy takes place. I won't even be able to much daydream since my thinking will be so impaired.
I want to meet David Duke, Howard Stern, porn star Buck Angel, and possibly Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie. I want us to all be on a nice tropical beach, riding ponies together. I've heard that all of these people are cool and friendly. That is my dream, before my life basically ends.
If you did not already know I am a 30 year old man who has a parent with down syndrome, and I live in a group home. I regrettably beat up a pregnant lady which resulted in her having a miscarriage. The hearing took place a couple of months ago, and the Judge ordered me to get a lobotomy which is coming up in about 3 weeks.

Lobotomies are legal if the patient consents to one. Because I am a ward of the state due to my developmental problems, my parents are legally able to make almost all decisions for me. So unfortunately they were able to approve of me getting a lobotomy. My mother is the one who has down syndrome, I can't believe that someone with an IQ lower than mine was able to do such a thing to me. My guess is that she hates herself and resents having me.
I am currently under house arrest at the group home to help ensure that I won't try running away. I will remain a resident of the group home after the operation takes place. Because I am enemies with some residents here, this makes it harder.
A lobotomy is like dying. I have considered suicide, but the staff at this group home have been watching me more closely than usual.
Although I don't exactly fit the requirements for the Make-A-Wish foundation, I think they should cut me some slack since I won't have a real life once the lobotomy takes place. I won't even be able to much daydream since my thinking will be so impaired.
I want to meet David Duke, Howard Stern, porn star Buck Angel, and possibly Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie. I want us to all be on a nice tropical beach, riding ponies together. I've heard that all of these people are cool and friendly. That is my dream, before my life basically ends.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
When will there be civil rights for retarded people?
Editor's Note: Joey can't type well, so I helped him a lot with this one.
Retards can't even ride a big bus. The little buses were probably designed to tear away at their self esteem. They're in a secluded part of every school to be kept away from the so called "normal" kids. I believe that part of the reason for this segregation is because some parents might be worried that their kid will someday marry a retarded person. I've got down syndrome and I've hit on attractive, good looking non-retarded chicks and their boyfriends get very defensive. I've even landed a few dates with normal chicks who have open minds. It usually didn't last long, probably because of the criticism they got from family and friends.

No one would ever stop to think that retards have abilities that are suppressed. Their parents, teachers, doctors, etc tell them in so many words that we're less capable than others. So, retarded people remain under achievers their entire lives.
I want this bullshit to stop. Retarded people need to be given confidence just like anyone else. If you are a parent with a retarded kid who wants to be President of the USA someday, don't dismiss his childhood dream as something that couldn't happen. Encourage him. Don't give a "nice" response, tell him what needs to be done to run this country.
Although George W. Bush made a lot of bad decisions, he was not our first retarded president unlike what some people say. In fact that is kind of an insult to my people since we tend to have big hearts, unlike the greedy Bush clan.
Mental retardation should be viewed as a gift, not a crutch. There would be a lot more retarded scientists, authors, doctors, and scholars if people didn't tell them "you can't do it" like they always do.
Whatever your background is, you can have any kind of job that you want if you work hard at it.

Retards can't even ride a big bus. The little buses were probably designed to tear away at their self esteem. They're in a secluded part of every school to be kept away from the so called "normal" kids. I believe that part of the reason for this segregation is because some parents might be worried that their kid will someday marry a retarded person. I've got down syndrome and I've hit on attractive, good looking non-retarded chicks and their boyfriends get very defensive. I've even landed a few dates with normal chicks who have open minds. It usually didn't last long, probably because of the criticism they got from family and friends.
R.I.P Jett Travolta

No one would ever stop to think that retards have abilities that are suppressed. Their parents, teachers, doctors, etc tell them in so many words that we're less capable than others. So, retarded people remain under achievers their entire lives.
I want this bullshit to stop. Retarded people need to be given confidence just like anyone else. If you are a parent with a retarded kid who wants to be President of the USA someday, don't dismiss his childhood dream as something that couldn't happen. Encourage him. Don't give a "nice" response, tell him what needs to be done to run this country.
Although George W. Bush made a lot of bad decisions, he was not our first retarded president unlike what some people say. In fact that is kind of an insult to my people since we tend to have big hearts, unlike the greedy Bush clan.
Mental retardation should be viewed as a gift, not a crutch. There would be a lot more retarded scientists, authors, doctors, and scholars if people didn't tell them "you can't do it" like they always do.
Whatever your background is, you can have any kind of job that you want if you work hard at it.

Friday, January 7, 2011
there was a girl with cerebral palsy who's name was Layla or some stupid name but anyways he was niece of good doctor and friend of mine. she was into the whole skinhead / nazi scene and she's died of progeria or some shitty disease recently. we love her her parents and family and few friends loved her too. I don't know what to think of whole skinhead nazi scene and hate groups but watch on.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I used to hate myself
You might know me as the proud trouble making mildly mentally challenged man. (even though my granny is dying of a serious addiction, read the post below for that.
I used to hate the fact that I'm 1/2 down syndrome. I used to wish that my mom just aborted me because of this.
Why did I used to wish I was aborted rather than not conceived in the first place? Because I love my mom. If I was never even conceived she probably wouldn't have had great sex. I didn't wish she would have worn a rubber because that means lower quality sex.
Even when I used to hate myself I've always loved pleasing her and other family members in that way. I've had people tell us all "Do the human race a favor and just don't breed!" It's something we already know. We're of inferior quality because of our crappy genes.
I won't let general society's genetic superiority bring me down. I am on this earth with a purpose just like most people are.
Some people on the internet have asked me how I can type so well for someone who is mentally retarded. Upon my request, my personal narrator types this up for me. I (the narrator) will stop typing now and Joey will type his own excerpt:
That is the end of the excerpt which I typed directly, unlike this sentence which my narrator types. My narrator does not even approve of many messages I want in these posts. Regardless, she is willing to translate for simple minded me because she loves me. My narrator thinks I am too much of a negative person at times. She can go fuck herself. She is fat, ugly, and she smells like shit. I feel so powerful having her type this up for me in a way that is easily understood.
Retard power!
I used to hate the fact that I'm 1/2 down syndrome. I used to wish that my mom just aborted me because of this.
Why did I used to wish I was aborted rather than not conceived in the first place? Because I love my mom. If I was never even conceived she probably wouldn't have had great sex. I didn't wish she would have worn a rubber because that means lower quality sex.
Even when I used to hate myself I've always loved pleasing her and other family members in that way. I've had people tell us all "Do the human race a favor and just don't breed!" It's something we already know. We're of inferior quality because of our crappy genes.
I won't let general society's genetic superiority bring me down. I am on this earth with a purpose just like most people are.
Some people on the internet have asked me how I can type so well for someone who is mentally retarded. Upon my request, my personal narrator types this up for me. I (the narrator) will stop typing now and Joey will type his own excerpt:
hi guise I am joey i think its a good thing i dont do my own typeing for dis blog. Im sloppy with grammer and style and spelling punktuation and all but i want you to know i love you all. even though narrator who is staff at group home does typing for me its straight from the heart with joy its just a small detail ok to all you haters out there
i've been just told i type lots of run on sentances and its good i can be on here anyways make a post here and then with help from group home staff
That is the end of the excerpt which I typed directly, unlike this sentence which my narrator types. My narrator does not even approve of many messages I want in these posts. Regardless, she is willing to translate for simple minded me because she loves me. My narrator thinks I am too much of a negative person at times. She can go fuck herself. She is fat, ugly, and she smells like shit. I feel so powerful having her type this up for me in a way that is easily understood.
Retard power!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Is there hope for my grandma?
I'm normally happy and cheerful but my friend/grandma has developed a new strange addiction.
She had an infection inside of her vulva which killed a lot of tissue in there and the doctors recommended maggot therapy to fix this. This treatment has given her orgasms and she has gone beyond what is necessary to cure her infection. She has been picking up dead animals off of the street near where she lives so that she can be sexually stimulated by maggots.
My doctor and friend says he finds this very disturbing since the maggots could gradually eat away her entire body. She is already starting to have a lot of trouble walking.
Lets all pray for her, whatever your religious background is. I'd like to have her put into rehab for this, it is totally like a drug. What my grandma is going through is very sad and scary.
She had an infection inside of her vulva which killed a lot of tissue in there and the doctors recommended maggot therapy to fix this. This treatment has given her orgasms and she has gone beyond what is necessary to cure her infection. She has been picking up dead animals off of the street near where she lives so that she can be sexually stimulated by maggots.
My doctor and friend says he finds this very disturbing since the maggots could gradually eat away her entire body. She is already starting to have a lot of trouble walking.
Lets all pray for her, whatever your religious background is. I'd like to have her put into rehab for this, it is totally like a drug. What my grandma is going through is very sad and scary.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
April fools stuff
Editor's Note: Joey is a stupid retard who doesn't know any better. I had to edit this article to make it more presentable, but it's straight from Joey's heart. He is a prankster and I support him. He does follow all laws as far as I know. Nothing illegal was committed nor is any conspiracy promoted.
Last April Fool's day I clubbed a baby seal to death right in front of its parents. It was so fun to see the looks on their faces! They were crying hysterically. I laughed like a wicked old witchy witch manly man! On that same day, I took a magnifying glass and I burned some baby cockroaches right in front of their parents. Mama and Papa roach must have been horrified! They were hissing like crazy. They couldn't do a thing about it because I was so much bigger than they were! I did feel kind of guilty for murdering a bunch of cockroaches, however. They were born with so much innocence! I only murdered one baby seal so that wasn't a big deal. To cheer myself up, I decided to bite the mailman the next day. I was charged with assault because I actually bit his ear off.
How do you celebrate April Fool's Day? I want to make this upcoming April Fool's even better than my last one. I've got a song to share which might inspire you for celebrating this wonderful holiday. See below for the song / video.
Last April Fool's day I clubbed a baby seal to death right in front of its parents. It was so fun to see the looks on their faces! They were crying hysterically. I laughed like a wicked old witchy witch manly man! On that same day, I took a magnifying glass and I burned some baby cockroaches right in front of their parents. Mama and Papa roach must have been horrified! They were hissing like crazy. They couldn't do a thing about it because I was so much bigger than they were! I did feel kind of guilty for murdering a bunch of cockroaches, however. They were born with so much innocence! I only murdered one baby seal so that wasn't a big deal. To cheer myself up, I decided to bite the mailman the next day. I was charged with assault because I actually bit his ear off.
How do you celebrate April Fool's Day? I want to make this upcoming April Fool's even better than my last one. I've got a song to share which might inspire you for celebrating this wonderful holiday. See below for the song / video.
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