Sunday, January 16, 2011

When will there be civil rights for retarded people?

Editor's Note: Joey can't type well, so I helped him a lot with this one.

Retards can't even ride a big bus. The little buses were probably designed to tear away at their self esteem. They're in a secluded part of every school to be kept away from the so called "normal" kids. I believe that part of the reason for this segregation is because some parents might be worried that their kid will someday marry a retarded person. I've got down syndrome and I've hit on attractive, good looking non-retarded chicks and their boyfriends get very defensive. I've even landed a few dates with normal chicks who have open minds. It usually didn't last long, probably because of the criticism they got from family and friends.

R.I.P Jett Travolta

This tard was probably murdered by some evil jealous zealots who probably feared he would be very successful someday.

No one would ever stop to think that retards have abilities that are suppressed. Their parents, teachers, doctors, etc tell them in so many words that we're less capable than others. So, retarded people remain under achievers their entire lives.

I want this bullshit to stop. Retarded people need to be given confidence just like anyone else. If you are a parent with a retarded kid who wants to be President of the USA someday, don't dismiss his childhood dream as something that couldn't happen. Encourage him. Don't give a "nice" response, tell him what needs to be done to run this country.

Although George W. Bush made a lot of bad decisions, he was not our first retarded president unlike what some people say. In fact that is kind of an insult to my people since we tend to have big hearts, unlike the greedy Bush clan.

Mental retardation should be viewed as a gift, not a crutch. There would be a lot more retarded scientists, authors, doctors, and scholars if people didn't tell them "you can't do it" like they always do.

Whatever your background is, you can have any kind of job that you want if you work hard at it.

Joey finishes the Marathon

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