Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My grandma is now dead. My own days are numbered.

RIP  Gertrude Dinkle (1920 - 2011)

I am saddened that my Grannie died from her addiction. As I wrote in an earlier post, she developed a seriously unhealthy habit from using maggots for sexual stimulation. She had an infection in her vagina and the doctors sought to remove the dead skin inside with maggot therapy. She did not want to cut the habit.

Me and my mom who has down syndrome were stopping by for a visit. I thought I would be able to see her at least once more before I have to go in and get lobotomized. Her entire mid section was crawling with maggots and the stench made me vomit as I cried nearly to death myself.

My two new pet peeves are judges, and doctors. The doctors ruined my grandma, and all because of some control freak judge, I will no longer by the joyful boy I once was. I'll be a complete nobody. My great memories and personality will be gone forever.

I now hate my mother too, since she approved of the lobotomy. Her approval was needed for it to be legal. I wish I didn't live in such a conservative state like West Virginia otherwise this may not have been able to happen very easily.

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